I suddenly have a whole bunch of news to share all at once! First up are some updates about Sirens Conference.

I was invited to be a workshop instructor at this year’s Sirens Studio, and leading up to the conference they put together a really fantastic set of interview questions for me that were an utter delight to answer. I got to talk about dragons, books, lifting each other up while setting the patriarchy on fire—you know, my favorite things.
(I was very amused when the interviewer thanked me for answering everything in the nerdiest way possible. I’m not sure what else she expected from me, honestly. I have one mode, and it is Peak Nerd.)
In addition to the workshop, I’ll be doing some other programming during the main conference which will be announced later this year!
However, what was just announced is that this year’s Sirens has sadly but necessarily been postponed. The good news is I’m still scheduled to be guest faculty there! Just, next year.

My workshop will be Yeet the Patriarchy: How Fantasy Stories Can Undermine Systemic Oppression, which you can read more about for next year!